Friday, July 31, 2009

First Edition Of Midwest Weather!

My outlook for Friday/Friday night:

From Jim Sullivan 

Another S/W will pinwheel around the large upper low sitting over Canada. With a high pressure sitting over Texas and a front along the Gulf coast moisture return northward will definitely be limited. The area should have no problem heating into the 80s and 90s ahead of the front, but dew points will only be in the upper 50s to lower 60s. This will lead to high LCLs which will limit instability some. MLCAPEs down over SW KS and western OK ahead of the front could get up to 1500-2000 j/kg, however farther north where moisture will be limited instability will be rather weak, with 750 to locally up to 1500 j/kg of MLCAPE. However, with a front moving in and the area being on the nose of a decent jet streak moving in do believe scattered storms will break out along and just ahead of the front.

With weak low level shear, high LCLs and rather dry boundary layer do not think tornadoes will be a threat at all Friday across the region. Lapse rates will be somewhat steep, especially farther north and the mid levels will be fairly dry so there will definitely be a large hail and damaging wind threat with any stronger updrafts. However, instability is somewhat limited so severe storms will be somewhat isolated in nature, so will only go with 15% wind and hail probs. Am not expecting tornadoes across the region tomorrow.
Due to a minimal risk of tornadoes no map was made.

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