Unless this winter of 2009-2010 ends up offering more winter storms that would create snow across the region this will generally be the last post on this particular blog and R.W.S will be switching over to the Spring/Summer Blog.
So with that in mind this final post will deal with the next winter that will be approaching...
With the winter 2009-2010 coming to a close and probably one of the greatest winters for certain areas that they will remember for a long time to come.. Real Wx Services has turned there attention to Winter 2010-2011. With Real Wx Services there really is no break or rest in between as just before its ready to swing to a Spring Transition...Real Wx Services takes it a step above and beyond in the sake of trying to stay one step ahead and bring more accuracy to longer range forecasting.
The research I have done has led me to believe that we are going to be in another El nino next winter with the strength of Moderate to perhaps strong attainable.
We have discovered that a moderate to stronger El Nino in an overall cold PDO phase actually worked quite well for the mid atlantic area & my research is indicating that next year winter should be no different with similar results. This results in good news for the areas that had a record setting winter this current winter season and results in some not so good news for the Northern New England regions...
Weak El Ninos generally serve the New England region better then moderate el ninos but as we have learned all El Ninos are not typical either.
I used this chart above last year...
Just to give a general idea for the KPHL region...
As normal I am not going to reveal the inner workings of how i come about to the conclusions that I do.
First will be temperature maps for Dec-Feb . I decided this year to do only those months as that is true Met Winter..
Look for further information as we get a little closer in time..Such as specifics for storm tracks etc..
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