Folks there is really no way around getting this message out to the readers. If you are in the areas mentioned above along the east coast..the suggestion of Real Wx Services is to make preparations now for what could be one wicked ride of weather coming up.
Folks that know us know that we do NOT like to hype scenarios but we have been talking about this when it was still an invest.
So lets get right to this shall we?
00z GFS..No doubt about it this model has come west from the day before yesterday with a CAT 1 making landfall in South Central NJ..
The above two images are the hurricane model the GFDL. Now if it was just the GFDL showing this we would not be quite concerned cause for the longest time the GFDL was not verifying to well with IRENE..but
The 00z ECM above! Now you can see that the 00z ECM has also come in West from its 12 Z run and folks this western trend was something that we had talked about on our facebook page for Real Wx Services because we noticed that IRENE has been moving more WNW instead of NW and this brings her closer to florida which then as we said would bring her further west further up the coast.
Now what this also does is it puts all the areas mentioned above on the eastern side of the system which is by far the worst side of the system.
Models are suggesting that this will be a CAT 1 hurricane at this latitude and quite a large one at that.
Essentially what this means is that we would be dealing with the potential for winds sustained at 70-90 MPH, widespread power outages , substantial wind damage, high tides and surge and major flooding with the potential for 5-10 inches of rain.
This is what the area could be dealing with IF the models and guidance are correct and our advice is to make those preparations now.
Pay attention to your local news outlets and your local weather source and as always here at Real Wx Services we will be covering this system later today from 12 noon till 6 AM and then Friday from noon till 6 PM and back after midnight!
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