Monday, December 26, 2011

December 27-28th Update & Final Scenario map!


This may be being to generous with the snow on this map. Let me explain why..Latest ECM has the low at 36 hrs. over Hawley, PA. 540 line at this point is in west central PA..and between 30-36 hrs. over the area in snow on the map  only up to .50 occurs. Here is where the problem lies at 30 hrs..the 540 line is back in central Ohio along the Canadian border so the precipitation that falls between 24-30 hrs. would be mainly rain. so by 36 hrs. the .25-.50 that falls is falling during the time frame when the 540 line is starting west of the region and moving to that position by 36 hrs. By 42 hrs. the 540 line is in Eastern PA and into Eastern NY but on the southern end into PA (central and west) majority of the precipitation has already ended. Further NW into the part of NY in the snow map you have .50-.75 falling but again we are starting off with some of that precipitation being rain because of that 540 line being west. Looking at the wunderground maps for snowfall they are not all that generous with the snow either.  So do to the track of the low which basically all guidance now agrees on this looks to be a mainly rain event with some snow possible but unless the colder air comes in quicker the air mass ahead warms up and then where it is colder it is only antecedent cold air at best...

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