Monday, August 30, 2010

Has Earl Reached His Peak?


Eastern side of the eye wall has or is in the process of eroding…


A look at the bigger picture….


The above is a closer and different view of the atmosphere that is to the NW of earl and off the SE coast where Earl will be travelling.

As mentioned Earl is looking at going thru Eyewall Replacement Cycle .The dry air above is being caused by an Upper level trough and this should cause an increase in shear over the next 24- 36 hours. So pretty much for now it seems as if the intensification process has stopped due to the ERC and the potential for the increase in shear and the effects of the dry air ahead.

This is the dry air that I have been watching for quite some time now and while its still to early to know exactly what effect it will have on Earl I think it is at least very safe to say that it will not create an environment prone to strengthening.

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