Friday, August 27, 2010

Let me Be Perfectly Clear About Something!

Let me be perfectly clear about something and set the record straight. There has been an ongoing attempt to silence Real Wx Services. This ongoing attempt is due to the fact that a few select individuals do not agree with the thoughts that are posted by Real Wx Services.

I have been forecasting the weather for 20 + years as a hobby and weather is the very passion and desire of my life. No where else are you going to find someone that sits in front of their computer to track and follow the weather systems from the time they wake up till the time they go to sleep. Of course this is done every day of the week before work and after work and at times as much as 17-20 hrs a day on days off of work.

You will never find a stronger passion and desire then the effort put forth by Real Wx Services to provide the most accurate weather.

We do not just look at the forecasting models and base the forecast off what those models say but rather we use them as guidance and see if what they say lines up with the bigger picture of the Global Teleconnections. We use real time data from satellite to shear maps to convergence/ divergence and SAL outbreak images. We lean heavily on what is happening now at the present time and aside from seasonal outlooks will not take a forecast out beyond the 5 day range.

The reason for this is pretty simple and straight forward. Models have a difficult time predicting the weather beyond 24 hours yet beyond a 5 day period. Accuracy is an important goal for Real Wx Services.

You will not find emotions going into the forecasts.

You will not find wishcasting or wishing for a storm to be at a certain strength or a storm effecting our backyard just because that is what we want to happen.

None of this has anything to do with forecasting the weather! That simply is what would be called Wishcasting Weather & that is something that Real Wx Services does not and will not tolerate.

So as the leader and the founder and creator of this forecasting team consisting of myself and Kevin Quigley.. We will not let the actions by a few  select individuals  take away the passion and desire that this group of forecasters is about.

The track record of Real Wx Services, while not untarnished, stands out among the rest & we will continue to strive and post information that not only will allow you to further your own weather education but will also be information that you can depend and rely upon!

Real Wx Services will continue to ride the storms of the meteorological world and strive to be at the top!

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