A quote from TRAM "I dont think today is going to be high risk at all."
Tornado Risk Analysis Model Yeah I unliked the page so I don't have to deal with the trolls. If I can't see them it doesn't bother me. I just 'liked' it once more to say good job to him and then unliked it."
He is referring to people that post on Dr Greg Forbes Facebook page. That means he is referring to basically this whole viewing area.
Folks when you read the above..do you really want this guy giving you advice on life and death situations like Severe Weather?
But wait guys it gets better :
Tornado Risk Analysis Model Sam, of course I did. Learn how to function in society and quit using your disorder for cries and support. Believe me ... I can tell you are autistic and a freak of nature at that. Autism didn't exist way back then so it developed from bad parenting ... sucks to be you Sam.
Now he is attacking parents and children with Autism! Please if you have not already and you are on Facebook block this individual as he clearly has mental issues !
He went so far as to say that I was jealous of him! Jealous of a person with no Meteorological Degree? Jealous of a person that has mental issues? Jealous of a person that can not even analyze a synoptic setup and notice that this was going to be an EPIC event a week out already?
Not sure about you but I think we here at Real Wx Services stand tall and proud above Kevin martin! And we do not hide behind anything by calling or referring to any of us as Pros because we are NOT! But with 20 years experience behind us.. we surely are in with the best and above the “fraudulent character above”!
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