Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30th Daily Weather Discussion

The high temperature march 29th at KABE was 57 degrees.

Thankfully it appears as if the heaviest rain has and is going to continue to stay to the east and north of the region. Never the less heavy rains have been occurring just not over the inland areas like originally thought. About .76 had fallen @ KABE and its possible that today yet about another inch of rain or so could fall across the local region.  Further north and east is where the most rainfall is expected and that would be from LI north and east.

Level 3 alert has been dropped for PA and NJ and points south but continues for LI and points NE where some places are expected to receive historical flooding with more heavy rains today.

Temperatures from North to South are basically going to range from 40-50 degrees.

While the heavy rains were not realized here in PA into Northern New Jersey ..Real Wx Services feels that issuing a level 3 alert was not the wrong thing to do. In cases where cut off lows are involved to pinpoint the exact cut off of the low pressure becomes a very difficult process. At the time guidance was suggesting that it would be needed and verify but in the end the guidance was too far west.

However…regardless of the southern end not working out as expected Real Wx Services still introduced the flooding aspect of this storm for across Southern New England well in advance of the National Weather Service offices!

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