Saturday, February 26, 2011

Here We Go Again- Flood Potential Feb 27-March 1st

Once again the area is going to be under the threat for heavy rains from late on the 27th thru the 28th. This system that will be developing to our west will take a track similar to this last system ..however this time it may end up further north with a track across Northern Ohio and then ENE thru CNY spreading into the region another bout of heavy rain.

Due to the track being more northern then the last time that means the southerly flow will also reach further to the north so that the areas that seen snow this last system could end up with heavy rains this time. This is something we will have to watch and if this indeed does turn out to be the case then we will be talking about a pretty widespread flooding..

Temperatures once again look to be at 50-60 + from NJ thru Central Pa and south…and 40s north of there till you get further north where it will be in the 30s and then potentially below freezing in the state of Maine..

If guidance is correct we could be looking at these temperatures of 50-60 degrees dropping below freezing in just a matter of 6 hrs.

So this could potentially imply two things besides the rainfall anticipated.

1. Strong gusty winds. Once again we could have winds gusting between 40-50 MPH

2. Potential for thunderstorms..being that the front looks to come thru sometime around 00z we would have had the whole day to obtain day time heating.

So again this will be something we will have to keep an eye on.

So to sum things up we could be looking at another system providing strong gusty winds, heavy rain with the potential of wide spread flooding with rain totals on the order of 1-2 inches and the potential for severe weather as well.

Later today we will be issuing a map for this next system but we wanted to give the readers a heads up as to what to expect out of this! Stay tuned for more information!

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