Tuesday, April 12, 2011

PA storms fizzled..Tornado watch failed..

Earlier in the afternoon we talked about whether or not the storms would fizzle in pa…and we mentioned our primary concern was the developing area of low pressure which would help to stabalize the state and could hinder development.

We talked about the best chances still would be eastern PA and Central PA and we did have some storms in those parts of the region but nothing severe. However,  the two reports that did show up in the NE were inside the zone that we had highlighted.. So we are glad that we pulled the plug with the severe weather.

With 9 minutes to go until midnight…


You will see there has been over 100 reports but they are all majority wind damage. We spent majority of last night on Dr Greg Forbes weather page on FB answering questions for people and calming people down.

One sweet mother from Western KY with a infant was concerned about tornados. We let her know with out a doubt that she was in the clear that any action would be either south or east of her  Another one in Western PA last night and today was concerned and there was at one point a reason to believe that SW pa could receive severe weather but we notified her that the plug was being pulled and that she had nothing to worry about.

So while the severe never came about as anticipated… keep in mind that when it comes to the NE it took the SPC until 24 hrs or less to highlight the same region that we highlighted on the 6th ..nearly a week in advance..and we also downgraded the region before they downgraded the region. And in the end we still had 2 reports within the zone highlighted!

In addition to the reason above of the failed severe further north ..there was pretty much a CAP in place and the trigger was well to the west..by the time that the trigger would have caught up we lost all the daytime heating as well.

So whats next? Well with running a fever of 102 degrees and having tonsillitis ..we will let that go for tomorrow!

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