Friday, August 21, 2009

Final Thoughts On Hurricane Bill Aug 21 2009

Final thoughts and final map. Not neccessarily charts and images Not at one time did I ever say there was going to be a landfall in the USA. I did stress that the East Coast, in the beginning from Fl to Maine should monitor Hurricane Bill. Then that emphasis shifted from the Carolinas to far as USA residents were concerned. The reason was simply due to Hurricane Bill being large in size and riding up along the east coast and not 100% convinced on the sharp curve to the NE. 
As far as models are concerned with the tracking of Bill? Not going to verify on the track at this point and time because he is still churning along the eastern seaboard but, this forecaster puts the ECM at the bottom of the list because it had it tracking to the east of bermuda up until under 84 hours out. That model performed horrible in my opinion.

Latest guidance has locked in on its track. Keeping it moving NNW and then due N along the coast. In all honesty, I am still not 100% confident that areas like CAPE COD are going to be completely out of the woods. So i will continue to monitor and track it until i see that NE turn commence. 

Looking at the latest currents..images above

You can see that he is riding up along the western side of the eastern ridge. However, when you look, at the other levels..also above..

You can see the eastern ridge flexing its muscles towards the west. I think that this could give Bill a bit of a WNW push before resuming back to the north once again. Hence the far left black line and the track somewhat closer to the coast. The above is the reasoning why i am not 100% confident on the area of CAPE COD being out of the woods yet. I do not think that reasoning is unvalid at this point and time. 
Heres a look at Hurricane Bill on the latest Satellite above from the Caribbean, Atlantic and Wunderground view.

With all that in mind the final track and including landfall is above.


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